Tuesday, October 23, 2012

It's the Holiday Season

As Halloween approaches I start my holiday season.  Those that know me know that I would give Thanksgiving a miss and go strait from All Hallows Eve to Christmas Eve.  I've even started listening to Christmas tunes.  In my defense it was more because I was having panic attacks and needed to lower my stress.  Holiday music does this for me like nothing else.  That and England.  One of those is infinitely cheaper.

So here is my start to the holiday craftiness.  A bobbin lace star that I made on my new pillow with bobbin that were loaned to me.  They are very small!  I'm still pondering if I like them enough to get my own.

Next up on the pillow is a Milanese moon.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Star Spangled Bobbins

The set of spangled bobbins Mari lent me have glared at me for a week.  All fanned out on a tray table. Put in to pairs.  Begging to be used.  I had one problem - contact paper.

I knew exactly which pattern I wanted to try - Star with Star Ground - that we had done in guild two years ago.  It has very little sewings and looks lovely when done.  The problem was I couldn't find my roll of contact paper to cover the pricking and DH couldn't find any at the store.  This led to the cleaning up of my art studio . . . I know I know it needed doing too.  And Hazzah the paper was found, the pricking covered and the work begun.

Here is what I've found.  I pick the bobbins up by the spangles.  I have a hard time picking up the itty bitty shaft and find the spangle loop easier to grasp.  I've not seen anyone else do this so I know it's probably not "proper", but it's working for me.  I'm still not sold on itty spangled bobbins, but they do take up much less space on the pillow.

Friday, October 12, 2012

The Woes of a Faild Battery

I have very few pictures as my camera has been having battery issues.  I've also been doing very little worth taking pictures of.  How interesting are pics of things like, "books I've been copying patterns from" or "new thread I bought just because".

Here is a snake that I and some random kids at a demo made this last September.

I'll have a few more lace things as soon as I get new batteries for the camera.

In other news:  I was elected as VP of the local lace guild for the next 2 years. The gravestones I've been making for Halloween decorations are looking good as well as the PVC pipe skeleton.  Pics to follow...*arg ye power gods*

I've also been painting my kitchen.  Not very home artsy, but quite fun.