When I worked in theater costuming and we would be down to that last week before an opening a big list would be made of all that was left to do. You put a red circle next to the item you were working on and then, when done, you had the pleasure to cross it out in black sharpie. I love crossing things off lists. To obliterate even the words on the list for an item.
Colorado is 3 weeks away and I have a HUGE list. However, I am slowly crossing things off.
Here is this weeks done pile!
2 pairs of pants for hiking in Colorado - check
2 new outfits for Boo to wear in Colorado - check
Burp cloths and a swaddle blanket for cousins baby - Check
Roses and Peonies in the ground - check
Sprinklers fixed - check
House warming gift for friend who is moving - check
Carol Berg book done - I WISH *laugh* I just started sewing the signatures.
Things not on the list but that were accomplished this week:
My main character finally told me his name. Tamasaburou Cainne. Now if only I could figure out how a non-corporeal being can attack a solid structure in a life or death circumstances way - *laugh*
Pictures to follow!